The Stars Have Aligned
I'm moving in less than a week! Everything has been pretty much packed since I came back to my parents', the truck is rented, the apt is reserved, the cats will be a pain in the ass, and the loft bed is nearly complete. Tonight, I'm having a get together at Cambridge House to say goodbye to all those who can show. In a crazy twist of fate (or something like that), Tondar will be here from TN, Aaron will be here from NYC, and Matt will be here from Salt Lake City! I'm really excited to see everyone.
I'm also feeling a little...I dunno, weird? I've left GR before, but this time it's permenant. Granted, when I went to France I bought a one way ticket. I was quite open to the idea of not coming home. But I think I knew deep down that I would. Even though I'm moving accross a Great Lake instead of an ocean this time, it somehow seems more complicated, even more unknown. Good thing I like the unknown! I can't wait to be in a new city, figuring out my way around, discovering my favorite coffee shop, my favorite park, the great restaurants that only a non-tourist can find. I've always liked exploring things on my own. Next week, all of the streets, houses, and businesses will look foreign and out of place. Soon they'll be my own, as natural seeming as the trees lining the newly discovered streets. It's so interesting how new places morph and develop in one's own mind as they become accustomed. I can still picture the train station in Paimpol as I first saw it when I arrived. It's a totally different image than the memory I have of it the last time I left.
I think that this year is going to be illuminating, interesting, different, scary, wonderful, independant, full of surprises, and hopefully full of joy. Details to come, but in the meantime, fun and drinks will be had tonight. :)
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