This week (actually today) is the 10th aniversary of Anusara Yoga. It's the same Hatha yoga that dates back so far, but with a new system of learning and expressing the poses। In Anusara yoga, there is an emphasis on remembering where things come from, and honoring past teachers. In this spirit, I'd like to honor some teachers, yoga and otherwise, who have helped me in my journey thus far:
- Dr. Copenhaver. The first time I met him, in 6th grade or so (he knew my violin teacher, and thus was chosen to accompany one of my recitals), he showed me the frogs and tadpoles in his backyard pond. When I didn't think I was good enough for GVSU's orchestra in 8th grade, he sent me an audio tape on which he talked me through the music, gave me fingerings, and played passages on the piano for my practicing use. When I started college, unsure which path to choose, he set me up with a voice teacher to help me prepare for a music school audition. He's been a part of most of my education related decisions, and his knowledge and teaching philosophy will always be something I respect and cherish.
- Ellen Pool. My GVSU choral director from whom I've learned so much more than music. In watching her go through the death of her daughter, I have never seen such strength. In watching her lose 80+ pounds, continue to advance the GVSU choral department, and interact with students on a not only academic level, I have never seen such willpower, determination and commitment, and joy. Her passion for life and music will always inspire me.
- Behnje Mason. My yoga teacher who introduced me to Anusara. Always emphasizing integrity above all, joy and light. May I be able to continue to learn from her during times that I revisit GR.
- Miss Clement and Mr. Bretz. The two people in high school who helped me develop the two talents I've now chosen as my life academic focuses. Miss Clement, who put up with my Franglais while always making French class fun. Mr. Bretz, who gave me chances to develop my vocal skills despite my bad acting, and who was so always encouraging and positive.
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