Tuesday, December 18, 2007

omg, make it end!

so, the last week or so i haven't done much schoolwork after working so hard on my french stuff. i'm currently working on the last thing i have to do for my first semester of grad school: a lit review on ecotourism. i'm reading like 10 articles and writing on them. most of the articles were published in the same book. the articles are interesting, but i just hate writing. i've got 7.5 pages done, and i'm aiming for 12, but i'm only on source 5 of 10. i am tired and cranky. also, the "holiday party" at work tomorrow evening is really just a meeting, so i'm not bringing lasagna like i was planning. i'll probably have to spend the afternoon finishing my paper tomorrow anyway. i also need to pack for being gone for 2.5 weeks, buy kitty litter, clean my apt, and do 2 loads of laundry. did i mention i've been at the library since 10 AM and am probably not leaving till 10 PM? (except for my lunch break around 2)

i just really want someone to give me a backrub, make me some tea, and finish this paper for me.

Monday, December 10, 2007

winter studs and other non sequitors

i got my studded tires in the mail today, thanks to tone! they are now on, and for the short while that i rode on them they seem to make a huge difference. bring on the "winterey mix", biaches!

a regular at work noticed my bike outside and asked if it was mine. when i replied in the affirmative, he said i must be quite the "hearty gal" to ride in the winter.

now that oprah's out there for obama he's bound to get the nomination. hell, maybe she should be his running mate.

i think scherzo is growing an extra claw.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

pics of the day

looking on the bright side

so, there are two things (well, more than that...but two i often think of these days) that make me sad/mad: only seeing patrick every two weeks or so, and winter. i've always hated winter.

this year i'm trying to embrace winter (and maybe even appreciate it). i find that riding my bike on treacherous snow and ice actually seems to help. it's just kind of hilarious. i have a picture to come of this ridiculousness. somehow, knowing that i can still get around despite the weather, that i'm most often way too hot by the time i get places, and the fact that it makes me seem tough is helping so far.

the bright side of seeing one's boyfriend only once every fortnight: 2 things:
* it doesn't matter how frumpy i dress to stay warm and how ridiculous i look
* i haven't shaved my legs or armpits since before thanksgiving :)