omg, make it end!
so, the last week or so i haven't done much schoolwork after working so hard on my french stuff. i'm currently working on the last thing i have to do for my first semester of grad school: a lit review on ecotourism. i'm reading like 10 articles and writing on them. most of the articles were published in the same book. the articles are interesting, but i just hate writing. i've got 7.5 pages done, and i'm aiming for 12, but i'm only on source 5 of 10. i am tired and cranky. also, the "holiday party" at work tomorrow evening is really just a meeting, so i'm not bringing lasagna like i was planning. i'll probably have to spend the afternoon finishing my paper tomorrow anyway. i also need to pack for being gone for 2.5 weeks, buy kitty litter, clean my apt, and do 2 loads of laundry. did i mention i've been at the library since 10 AM and am probably not leaving till 10 PM? (except for my lunch break around 2)
i just really want someone to give me a backrub, make me some tea, and finish this paper for me.
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