i hate football...except that i don't!
So, Patrick and I went to the UW MSU game last weekend. Let's start by saying that I hate football. It's stupid and slow. A bunch of guys run a little if you're lucky, fall in a pile, a whistle blows, and it starts over. I wanted to go to one game here though, since I've never been to a BigTen game. I had SO much fun!!!
Even though it was just Patrick and me, after going to the farmer's market for the morning, we bought a 6-pack of Labatt's and decided to look for a good tailgating spot. After not finding much, we sat on some rocks outside the stadium and proceeded to drink our beer and eat some apples. The drum line as well as the tubas marched through the bar across the street, and the beer started to take effect.
the game itself it was like a new culture (although, arguably not a very cultured one...)...every time wisc was 1st and 10, everybody in the student section goes "1st and ten wisconsin!" and moves their arms in a little chop motion. also, if the students get bored, a section of them will point at another section and chorus "eat shit!, to which responds the other section "fuck you!" and they go back and forth pointing at each other as they do it. they also call all fans of the other team sitting in their section "asshole" periodically just to keep them in their place. whenever "P.J. Hill" does something good and gets announced, everybody puts their hands above their heads in a sort of hill (more of a circle really) shape. whenever the other team screws up, everybody shouts, "you fucked up!" repeatedly while pointing, yet if the other team does something brilliant, we all shout, "you still suck!" also, when the cheerleaders hold up signs that say "we" "want" "more", everybody says "beer!" after the 3 signs get held up. Also, before every kickoff and punt everybody holds up their keys and jingles them. it was like learning a new language!!! (which is what made it fun i think, along with the 3 beers i slammed right before it started...) anyway, i proudly wore my red, and had a lovely time.
in FL (which is a post of its own) I even watched the 3rd quarter of the game this past weekend at ESPN zone and sort of cared!

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